An electrical engineer has arrived to advise on upgrading Tristan's electrical system.

Electrical Update - Revised report 28th May 2008

Electrical engineer Maans van Niekerk arrived on Tristan on 6th May to advise on an upgrade to Tristan's out of date and overloaded electrical system. His delayed departure on 21st May allowed him to solve the grid earthing problems and plan a substantial future upgrade.

Unfortunately, on 22nd May, David Morley reports that there are now problems with one of the two standby generators. The problem is believed to be an electrical fault and a replacement regulator panel will be arriving for installation in June. If this problem is not solved there may be a need to go back to part-time power to give the sole remaining generator a rest from time to time.

Nevertheless, thanks to Operation Zest helping to install a new generator the position is far better than that pertaining directly after the factory fire of February 2008.