Tristan is not an easy place to get to, but is an unforgetable experience for people fortunate enough to make it, either on scheduled ships or on expedition cruises. There is no airport.
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Guide to Visits Section Pages

Tristan's Tourism Coordinator Kelly Green can be reached by email on :

Tristan da Cunha Post Office and Tourism Team

All restrictions on Tristan visitors, imposed during COVID-19 pandemic, have been lifted.

Please see our Coronavirus Section for the latest news.

Information Pages

Tourism News Pages

but make a start by reading on.........


Trips to the most isolated community in the world need to be well planned. Many would-be visitors have sailed to Tristan, but failed to land. This section seeks to provide potential visitors with the facts to make enquiries to enable them to set foot on Tristan da Cunha, and possibly one of the outlying islands, to enjoy this extra-ordinary place.

With time and careful planning a stay on Tristan is achievable - so read on - but don't tell the travel agents!

Tristan's isolation in statistics:

(note : distances are ' as the crow flies' - miles are statute and not nautical miles)

To St Helena - 2437 km - 1514 miles (nearest community)
To Cape Town - 2810 km - 1750 miles (nearest mainland city)
To Rio de Janeiro - 3344 km - 2077 miles
To Stanley, Falkland Islands - 3886 km - 2415 miles
To London UK - 9881 km - 6140 miles

All scheduled ships depart from Cape Town

Organising a visit for independent travellers

There are no package tours for independent travellers, no hotels, no airport, no holiday reps.,no night clubs no restaurants, no jet skis nor safe sea swimming. Visitors are limited due to lack of available shipping berths (only 12 on fishing vessels). Nevertheless, Tristan da Cunha is one of the world's most sought after destinations for travellers determined to find a special on, take advice, plan carefully and you can make it!

Prepare yourself for the trip of a life time to the extra-ordinary community of Tristan da Cunha.