Christmas Break Arrangements
The Tristan community were informed of the following on Friday 14th December
The three week 'holiday' enables Tristan families to pursue their farming activities and entertain in their own homes
and at their Potato Patches 'camping huts' Often excursions are made to The Caves and Stony Beach.
Offices and Departments will close for the Christmas Holiday at 12.00am on Friday 21st December 2012 (Break Up Day) and re-open on Monday 14 th January 2013.
The Island Store will be open until 14 th December, and thereafter closed until 14 th January.
Church Services
St. Mary’s will hold a Carol Service on Sunday 16 th December at 5.00pm, a Midnight Mass and Blessing of the Crib at 11.30pm on Monday 24 th December, and a Morning Service at 8.00am on Tuesday 25 th December.
St Joseph’s will hold a Midnight Mass at 11.30pm on Monday 24 th December and a Morning Service at 9.00am on Tuesday 1 st January.
The Internet Cafe will be open up to 24 th December at 4.00pm, and thereafter closed until 14 th January 2012.
Medical Surgeries will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, (except on Wednesday 26 th December) from 8.00am to 10.00am.
The Cafe and Pub will be open up to 20th December, and thereafter closed until 14th January 2013.
Old Year’s Night
The Administrator has invited all men and women of 18 years of age or more to the Residency for drinks between 6.00pm and 7.00pm. Thereafter all men of 18 years or more are invited to the residence of the Chief Islander.
Back to Work on Monday 14 th January 2013.