General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy
Only members' personal contact details, including: name, address, email address and telephone number (optional) will be kept by the Association.
All personal data will be held securely.
We rely on members to update us with any personal changes.
Only committee officers have full access to personal data. In addition, names and addresses only are supplied to our Printers, Direct Offset, who organise posting of Newsletters.
Any data received from members in relation to payment of subscriptions and donations will be deleted once the payment has been processed.
No data will be passed on to any other organisation without members' permission.
Personal data is only used to send members relevant information or to gain their support.
Members have the right to request details of personal information we hold. They can find out and review their personal data held by the Association by contacting the Membership Secretary (
Members can terminate their membership by contacting the Membership Secretary ( Once terminated their personal details will be deleted.
In the event of a member failing to pay their subscription before publication of the August newsletter their data will be held for six months and then deleted.
We are legally required to hold a member's name and address for seven years following a gift-aided donation to the Tristan Education Trust Fund.