Photographs of Ernie Repetto's 90th birthday celebrations.

Ernie Repetto's 90th Birthday

Photos and Report from Iris Green

Ernie's 90th Birthday celebration was held in the Prince Philip Hall on Sunday 17th April 2016 as the RMS was due to be here on his actual birthday and a community reception was planned for that day. It was a lovely day and many of the community came along to join in the celebrations. Chief Islander Ian Lavarello read out a message from Ernie's sister Violet, in the UK, and then every one sang Happy Birthday to him. He really enjoyed his party.
Ernie and his wife Daphne. Ernie's cake which features his longboat 'Margaret Rose' approaching his beloved Nightingale Island.
Ernie and his Goddaughter Iris Green, who organised the Birthday Party. Ernie with his nieces Gill & Vera.

On his actual birthday he was also very pleased to meet the Governor Designate, Lisa Phillips, and the photo left was taken by Dawn Repetto on that day, 20th April,

See also other photos of the'RMS Day' on RMS ST Helena 2016.