Further photos show continuing work on the impressive new Tristan Healthcare Centre

Latest Camogli Heathcare Centre Construction Update

Update from Barry Davies with photos from Galliford Try’s Project Manager Mark Aimson

Barry reports on 5th May that the contractor's labour force are making satisfactory progress with project completion and handover expected in June 2017.

External views of the centre showing ground work around the building taking place.
The photo below shows the main entrance, approach road and ambulance turning area.


Storm on 14th April tests the centre's weatherproofing Main entrance external canopy

Above: Pupils from St Mary's School prepared concept designs which are being prepared here for use in the Waiting / Primary Circulation Area

Right: Roof lights in the Primary Circulation Area

Fitting out the Dental Office

Above: The main central corridor nears completion

Right: Impressive Family Room with ash panelling and book shelves.