The 2014/15 seasons TAC's as recommended by the Fisheries Department was approved by the Island Council on 30th July and was as follows:
Gough - 100 tonnes (up 5 tonnes from last year)
Inaccessible - 73 tonnes (up 3 tonnes from last year)
Nightingale - 65 tonnes (no change from last year)
Tristan - 161 tonnes - (down 4 tonnes from last year)
The fishing season which started on the 1st July produced two fishing days in July, landing 2.3 and 2.5 tonnes respectively, despite some minor problems with boats. The Fishery Patrol boat Wave Dancer and Conservation RIB also took advantage of the good weather and visited the outer islands of Inaccessible and Nightingale on 18th July.
Whilst the Wave Dancer was out on regular patrol the crew checked on the lobster pueruli *collectors at both Inaccessible and Nightingale, and stopped for an hour and a half
to try for a fish, and ended up landing 89 bluefish,
which is a record in such a short space of time.
The Conservation RIB checked on the research hut at Inaccessible and also did a spot of fishing and caught a few fish
* pueruli are late larval-stage lobsters (singular puerulus) which are monitored at collecting stations around the islands as a measure to ensure a sustainable fishery.
Plenty Fish!
Record Catch of 89 Blue Fish
caught in 90 minutes
from a single boat
Photo from James Glass
shows the Wave Dancer coxswain & crew
at the Tristan cleaning site
Left to right: , Andrew Green, Warren Glass, Rodney Green, Drew Campbell (PWD Director), Joe Green
and Tristan Glass who came to help his uncle Rodney
to clean his fish, as his Dad didn't need any help cleaning. |