MFV Geo Searcher's November - January Fishing Trip
Update from Sean Burns
MFV Geo Searcher left earlier than scheduled for Cape Town on Thursday 4th January 2018. On board were James and Felicity Glass, David and Doreen Swain, and Tim Ayres (husband of social worker Tracey Price - who was on holiday).
MFV Geo-Searcher off Tristan as the ship arrived on its inaugural voyage on 15th April 2017 (Photo: Sean Burns)
Update from Sean Burns
MFV Geo Searcher arrived during the evening of Thursday 23rd November, when passengers soon came ashore. The vessel went to Inaccessible Island on Friday as weather on Tristan was unsuitable for offloading, but returned to the Tristan anchorage on Saturday 25th November when all the Christmas goodies were brought ashore. Once this was completed the ship proceeded to the outer island fishing grounds, with Tristan Sea Fisheries Officer Adrian Swain aboard.
Report from Cynthia Green
MFV Geo Searcher departed Cape Town during the morning of Wednesday 15th November 2017 for an extended lobster fishing trip to the outer Tristan da Cunha islands of Gough, Inaccessible and Nightingale Islands. This final 2017 voyage will bring the final deliveries of mail and provisions for the community.
Passengers aboard are: Islanders Trevor Glass, Teresa Green, John Lavarello, Terence Green, and Beverley Repetto, plus Tim Eyres.
It is very unusual for this final fishing trip of the year to continue over the Christmas and New Year holiday. MFV Geo Searcher is scheduled to leave Tristan for Cape Town on 9th January 2018.
The next sailing from Cape Town will be by MFV Edinburgh, scheduled to depart from Cape Town on 25th January 2018, arriving at Tristan on 1st February.