MFV Edinburgh's April 2019 Trip
Report from Cynthia Green
Return to Cape Town
MFV Edinburgh departed for Cape Town at 2pm GMT on Saturday 13th April 2019 after a quick turn-around.
The following passengers went on board the Edinburgh at about 12.30pm: Islanders Eric and Martha Glass; Clinton, Roxanne and Joshua de Bod, Alasdair and Barbara Wyllie, Paul Ferreria, Thulani Mofu, Vivini Xambesi and Eugene Bridgens.
Outward Passage
MFV Edinburgh arrived at 5pm on 10th April after a seven day passage from Cape Town after departure on the evening of Wednesday 3rd April, following an unforeseen delay.
Passengers came ashore soon afterwards and were: Islanders Simon, Natasha and Vera Glass, Kelly Green, Rhoda Rogers and Adrian Swain; Nurse Kumi Joubert and Dr. Carel Van Der Merwe.