Stamp issue: 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Winston Churchill
Issue date: 11th December 2024
Mint Stamps (45p, 55p, £1.15, £2.50) and First Day Cover |
Stamps commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill.
Designs: 45p - Boer War, 1899; 55p - Prime Minister & cabinet, 1940; £1.15 - Battle of Britain;
£2.50 - VE Day Broadcast; FDC - V-sign
Stamp issue: Tristan da Cunha's Farm Animals
Issue date: 28th October 2024
Mint Stamps (55p, 70p, £1.00, £2.00) and First Day Cover |
Stamps featuring Tristan's farm animals, a vital part of island life.
Designs: 55p - Hens, 70p - Cows, £1.00 - Sheep, £2.50 - Ducks, FDC - Bull
Stamp issue: Flags of Tristan da Cunha
Issue date: 14th October 2024
Mint Stamps (55p, 95p, £1.05, £2.50) and First Day Cover |
Stamps featuring various flags flown on the island over the centuries.
Designs: 55p - Jonathan Lambert's Flag, 95p - Guidon of the 21st Light Dragoons, £1.05 - White Ensign of the Royal Navy, £2.50 - Current Tristan Flag, FDC - Tristan Administrator's flag
Stamp issue: 200th Anniversary of RNLI, Parts 1 & 2
Issue date: 1st July 2024
Stamps commemorating the 200th anniversary of the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution).
Part 1: Historic lifeboats
202403 |
Mint Stamps (55p, 85p, £1.30, £2.00) |
£4.70 |
202404 |
First Day Cover (with 55p, 85p, £1.30, £2.00 stamps) |
£5.90 |
Designs: 55p - The Zetland 1802; 85p - First Steam Lifeboat, 1890; £1.30 - First Motor Lifeboat, 1930;
£2.00 - Shannon Class Lifeboat, 2013; FDC - Self-right Type Lifeboat, c.1885.
Part 2: Tristan's Rescue Boats
202405 |
Mint Stamps (55p, 85p, £1.30, £2.00) |
£4.70 |
202406 |
First Day Cover (with 55p, 85p, £1.30, £2.00 stamps) |
£5.90 |
Designs: 55p - Whaling Boat, 19th century; 85p - Barge, Pequena; £1.30 - Launch, Atlantic Spray;
£2.00 - RIB, Atlantic Dawn; FDC - RIB, Wave Dancer.
Stamp issue: Garden Flowers
Issue date: 18th April 2024
202401 |
Mint Stamps (45p, 60p, £1.10, £1.80) |
£3.95 |
202408 |
First Day Cover (with 45p, 60p, £1.10, £1.80 stamps) |
£5.15 |
Stamps featuring garden flowers that are popular on Tristan.
Designs: 45p - Hydrangea; 60p - Indian Shot; £1.10 - Arum Lily; £1.80 - Montbretia; FDC - Rose