Postcards of the Tristan da Cunha archipelago in the middle of the South Atlantic, available from the Post Office.

Postcards, stamps and other Tristan products can be purchased from our new
Post Office & Souvenir shop.

200125 - Postcard: Tristan da Cunha and Albatross - 50p each

Tristan da Cunha and Albatross

Tristan da Cunha Island and Yellow-nosed Albatross in flight
(long 21cm x 10cm)

Tristan Albatross


Postcard: Tristan Albatross

50p each

Tristan Albatross nest at Gough Island

Inaccessible Island


Postcard: Inaccessible Island

50p each

Inaccessible Island with insets top to bottom:

  • Tristan albatross
  • Sooty albatross  
  • Inaccessible rail 
Thatched House Museum


Postcard: Thatched House Museum

50p each

Calshot Harbour


Postcard: Calshot Harbour

50p each

Calshot Harbour with the settlement behind

Prince Philip Hall


Postcard: Prince Philip Hall

50p each

Prince Philip Hall & Albatross Bar, with the swimming pool

200119 - Postcard: Settlement with rainbow - 50p each

Settlement with rainbow

Edinburgh of the Seven Seas framed by a rainbow
(long 21cm x 10cm)

200118 - Postcard: Settlement from the air - 50p each

Settlement from the air Settlement from the air

Settlement, Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, with novelty reverse that visitors can fill in!

Four Views


Postcard: Four Views

50p each

Four views of Tristan with “Welcome” sign (clockwise from top left):

  1. Tristan from Nightingale Island
  2. Cemeteries & St Mary's School
  3. Potato Patches
  4. Burntwood
Postcard of rockhopper penguins


Set of 2 Rockhopper Postcards

for £1.00

Postcard of rockhopper penguins
Postcard of Tristan marine life Postcard of Tristan rock lobster Postcard of Tristan marine life

Set of 3 Marine Life Postcards for £1.05

Postcards of Tristan wildlife


Postcard: Wildlife

50p each

Atlantic Yellow-Nosed Albatross Postcard

20015 : Atlantic Yellow-Nosed Albatross Postcard

Pack of 3 x 35p for £1.05

Tristan da Cunha from Nightingale Island postcard

20016 : Tristan da Cunha in the distance
from Nightingale Island Postcard

Pack of 3 x 35p for £1.05

Tristan da Cunha from Nightingale Island postcard

20017 : Tristan da Cunha in the near distance
from Nightingale Island Postcard

Pack of 3 x 35p for £1.05

Postcard with painting of a Tristan Bunting Postcard with painting of a Tristan Moorhen
Postcard with painting of an Antarctic Tern Postcard with painting of a Sooty Albatross

200112 : Postcards of paintings of island birds

Tristan Bunting; Tristan Moorhen;
Antarctic Tern; Sooty Albatross

Set of 4 for £1.00 (25p each)