Printable form for submission with payments for Tristan da Cunha Post Office orders.

Tristan da Cunha Post Office Payment Form

Contact the Post Office by E-mail: or phone: (44) 0203 014 5103

Payments should be made in £ Sterling and you are responsible for any currency conversion charges
as these costs are not reflected in our modest handling charges, compared to other international stamp dealers.
We offer two Payment Methods ~
Send money via PayPal or card; or use Internet banking to transfer funds.


1. If sending money from a PayPal account or by debit or credit card

If you have an account with PayPal, you can make direct payments to us at:

If you do not have a PayPal acount, we will send you an e-Invoice with a PayPal link that lets you pay the invoice securely using a debit or credit card.

The sum of
£ Sterling


This should include an administrative charge of 5.5% of the order value + 20p.
We will confirm by email : when your payment has been received & indicate the estimated time of arrival of post in Cape Town.
Please allow for air mail from South Africa and alert us if your order has not arrived.


2. If making a bank transfer via an Internet Account

Send Sterling or Euro payment by bank transfer marked:


plus your Post Office Account Number or your initial and first 4 characters of your surname

Ensure you quote your Name and Address with your payment.
For Sterling Bank Transfers within the UK:
Bank: Crown Agents Bank, Sutton Bank SWIFT: CRASGB2L Sort Code: 60-83-68
Account Name: Tristan da Cunha IBAN: GB67CRAS60836833870050 Account Number: 33870050
For Sterling Bank Transfers outside the UK:
Bank: Crown Agents Bank, Sutton Bank SWIFT: CRASGB2L Correspondent Bank:
    Natwest Bank plc, London
Account Name: Tristan da Cunha IBAN: GB67CRAS60836833870050 Correspondent SWIFT: NWBKGB2L

The sum of
£ Sterling


For Euro Bank Transfers:
Bank: Crown Agents Bank, Sutton Bank SWIFT: NWBKGB2L
Favour: Crown Agents Bank IBAN: GB42NWBK60721442207312 Correspondent SWIFT: CRASGB2L
For further credit to:
Account Name: Tristan da Cunha IBAN: GB67CRAS60836833870050
Please quote your address here:

The sum of


We will confirm by email : when your payment has been received & indicate the estimated time of arrival of post in Cape Town.
Please allow for air mail from South Africa and alert us if your order has not arrived.

Contact the Post Office by E-mail: or phone: (44) 0203 014 5103