News of Tristan government activities in the UK, Europe and elsewhere in the world.

South Atlantic islands unite for maritime best-practice

Report and photos from Tristan Government UK representative Chris Carnegy

South Atlantic Working Group delegates, including
Tristan Chief Islander James Glass (7th from the left) alongside Chris Carnegy
and far right former Tristan Administrator Alex Mitham, representing St Helena
where he is now Director of Safety, Security and Home Affairs.

Tristan da Cunha linked with fellow South Atlantic territories at the inaugural face-to-face meeting of a new body that aims to promote best practice in maritime regulation.

Conference in session

The South Atlantic Working Group brings together key personnel from Tristan, St Helena, Ascension, the Falklands and South Georgia. It is part of the 'Red Ensign Group' of maritime jurisdictions who have links with the UK. The South Atlantic delegates met in Jersey on the 17th June 2024, ahead of the REG's three-day annual conference held there on June 18th - 20th.

James Glass in St Helier's port control tower, with coastguard Ford Ramsden

For Chief Islander and Director of Fisheries James Glass, the regional gathering was a chance to update colleagues on how vessel inspections work on Tristan, to learn of an opportunity for pollution-control training, and to progress plans for new navigation beacons on Tristan's outer islands. The group also discussed the challenge of adopting international safety standards in ways that recognise the capacity issues of small and remote locations.

Above: Kirsten Morel, Jersey's minister for sustainable economic development, rang the bell to open the Red Ensign Group conference.

Right: Chief Islander with conference chair Katy Ware, Director of UK Maritime Services at the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

The wider Red Ensign event covered many topics, from regulation of the high seas to marine safety messaging and from international sanctions to the welfare of mariners.

That last topic was of special relevance for Tristan da Cunha as the island will always seek to ensure high standards for the well-being of seafarers in its fishing fleet, as well as high standards for the vessels themselves.

Tristan's flag flying in St Helier, capital of Jersey

Delegates were also invited on a behind-the-scenes tour of Jersey's commercial port in St Helier. Pictured with our host in front of some road trailers, James learned they're used to ship Jersey's main arable crop. Like Tristan, Jersey is famous for its potatoes - but the Channel Island exports up to 20,000 tonnes each year!

James with Ports of Jersey operations manager Robin Fitzgerald

In the margins of the conference, James held talks with officials from the UK's Maritime and Coastguard Agency, exploring ways Tristan can access support for training and safety equipment.

At St Helier's maritime museum, James gave vital help to interpret a giant globe!

Inaugural UK Overseas Territories Day

Report from Tristan Government UK Representative Chris Carnegy
Photos from Chris and from Dr Tasha Ebanks-Garcia,
Cayman Islands Government UK Representative and Chair of the UK Overseas Territories Association.

The new UK Overseas Territories Day logo,
featuring the OT flags, including Tristan da Cunha's second from the right.

The President of UKOTA - the United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association - has announced the establishment of UK Overseas Territories Day. This event will be celebrated annually on the first Monday of June, which this year falls on the 3rd of June. The primary objective of the UK Overseas Territories Day is to raise awareness and foster a deeper connection between the UK and its Overseas Territories.

The Dean of the Abbey, the Very Reverend David Hoyle, with OT representatives outside Westminster Abbey.
Chris Carnegy is immediately behind and slightly to the right of the Dean.

On Monday 3th June 2024, UKOTA marked the establishment of UK Overseas Territories Day at the Evensong service at Westminster Abbey in London, which included special prayers for the Overseas Territories. Overseas Territory Representatives to the UK attended the service, and Dr Tasha Ebanks-Garcia, the Cayman Islands Government Representative, delivered a reading.

The service was followed by a reception to celebrate UK Overseas Territories Day in The Cellarium Terrace of Westminster Abbey, by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster.

Chris Carnegy delivering a message about the significance of the event,
for Tristan and all OTs, for a video commissioned by UKOTA.

The Premier of the Cayman Islands and President of UKOTA, the Hon. Juliana O'Connor-Connolly, said:

"UK Overseas Territories Day is a wonderful opportunity to take pride in the extraordinary diversity of the Overseas Territories. It provides a moment to celebrate the unique ties that bind us together as a Global British Family and to reflect on what more we can do together to address global challenges and pursue common goals.

"It is a very special journey that we are all on together and I look forward to celebrating UK Overseas Territories Day for many more years to come."

One of the guests was Sir Graham Brady, now standing down as an MP
after chairing the Conservative 1922 Committee.
The election campaign and rules prevented many other policians attending the event.

Dr Tasha Ebanks-Garcia, the Cayman Islands Government Representative to the UK, said:

"It's truly special to join my fellow Representatives from the Overseas Territories in Westminster Abbey to mark the first UK Overseas Territories Day. All of us look forward to ensuring that this day provides the focus for activities, events and celebrations right across the Overseas Territories and throughout the United Kingdom."

It was an appropriate coincidence that on the first Overseas Territories Day
OT flags flew in Parliament Square, close to Westminster Abbey.

Amongst the flags was, of course, that of Tristan da Cunha

The Administrator in London

Report and photos from Tristan da Cunha Administrator Philip Kendall

Following some leave with my family, I have had a very productive couple of weeks of meetings in London.

It was strange to travel back into London on a busy train, knowing that there were many more people on my train then there are on Tristan!

Walking out of Westminster tube station felt very familiar, though I'm sure there are more tourists than there used to be. Or I have just become used to the tranquillity of our beautiful island in the South Atlantic.

Philip Kendall with Lord Ashcroft

My first meeting on 13th May 2024 was with Lord Ashcroft, who recently gave a generous donation to the Tristan da Cunha Association (TDCA) which makes grants to help the island community. I was able to thank him for his generosity as we discussed matters of mutual interest. Lord Ashcroft recently travelled to Tristan on aboard the cruise ship Ambience but was unfortunately unable to land. I hope that he will be able to visit us again soon.

I had several meetings in the Foreign Office with Senior Officials to discuss support for Tristan. I came away with the recognition that colleagues value the importance of our island and will continue to support us as much as they can.

Tristan da Cunha Administrator Philip Kendall, left,
with His Excellency Inigo Lambertini, centre,
and Alessandro Gaglione who chairs London's Committee of Italians Abroad.

The Italian Ambassador invited me to speak at an event on 15th May at his residence, where I met representatives of the town of Camogli and extended members of the Repetto family from Italy and the UK. The event was organised by Alessandro Gaglione and the Italian Community in the UK. The relationship between Camogli and Tristan is as close now as it has ever been since the day that Andrea Repetto and Gaetano Lavarello arrived on Tristan in 1892.

Philip Kendall is flanked on the left by Gianfranco Repetto and to his right by Alessandro Gaglione.
Also in the photograph are Tristan islanders now living in the UK with Ian Brown (far left),
Avril Repetto-Tinoco, far right, and Debbie Elsmore.

See more about this event on:

Tristan Government UK Representative Chris Carnegy and TDCA Co-Chair John Cooper were also at the Italian event, so we grabbed a coffee afterwards to discuss current issues and the Association. It was so good to see them both and to be able to thank them for everything they do for Tristan in the UK. Chris also joined me for some other meetings. His wisdom and knowledge are always a bonus!

Other meetings have included discussions on the lobster concession, banking, road projects and improving the internet on island. On the latter point I made the point strongly that improving the internet was a priority for me as it would give us more opportunities for further education, telehealth, and would make us more efficient. This can only be a good thing! I feel that I have made progress and that we will see steps forward on this very soon.

BGS Board Chair Sir Keith O'Nions speaking at the BGS Annual Stakeholders Meeting

I also attended the Annual Stakeholders' Meeting of the British Geological Survey (BGS) in the hallowed halls of the Natural History Museum on 23rd May, where I discussed the rockfalls and floods of 2nd February 2024 and how we can mitigate these in the future.

Philip Kendall being shown display boards which include recent BGS fieldwork on Tristan da Cunha

Celebration of the link between Tristan and Camogli

Special event organised by London's Committee of Italians Abroad
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Parliamentary Debate highlights Tristan's Marine Protection Zone

Westminster Hall debate on Global Ocean Treaty
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Tristan's vast 'Blue Belt' celebrated at London events

Gough Island blue-shark 'nursery' highlighted
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Royal conclusion to Tristan's London talks

Report on final day of the 2023 Joint Ministerial Council
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Two Tristan legends applauded at Westminster reception

Message to Tristan from Dr Hilary Jones
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Tristan helps shape new Political Declaration

Chris Carnegy meets Lord Cameron at JMC
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